Relationships run the gamut from fantastic to frustrating, often switching from one extreme to the other. Some days it's a celebration, other times it's all despair. Here's the good news: there is a way to keep things running smoothly.

In fact, your relationship can be fun, fulfilling, intimate, connected, healthy, heart centered, satisfying, and juicy. Here's more good news: If you work it, it works! It just takes a little time, effort and practice.

Using interactive processes and games, the couples/paired singles, will experience a journey of discovery and delight, insight and intimacy.


The Morning

is about the foundation of relationship. What's important to you, what's important to your partner. How do these values merge to form your union. What can you do to keep the foundation strong, and keep each of you feeling loved and appreciated. If it sounds a little heavy, don't worry.We promise to keep it light and fun.

The Afternoon

is about making things easy and workable. Let's face it, communication can be challenging. But it doesn't have to be!

There are easy-to-learn skills and tools that can make even the most difficult

conversation one that you feel good about. Guys love this section because they can acquire tools they've never had, and will want to keep forever.

The Evening

is all about the many ways you can create intimacy, and connection with your partner, without taking off clothes or being sexual.Love comes in may flavors, but romance & passion is what makes the world go round.

This "Night of Love"

is one you will remember fondly and want to repeat at home, for years to come.


Remember when your relationship was brand new?

How many ways could the two of you be romantic? Maybe you eye gazed, talked for hours, read poetry, sang, danced, or looked at the stars and just cuddled. Chances are the sex was pretty good too. Want more of that?

Spend an evening with your honey, you’ll remember like it was a first date. In some ways it may be like one!

Treat yourself to a romantic evening’s journey together, from playful, to sweet, to spirited, to connected.

It’s all PG rated, and we’ll make it easy for you to relax and enjoy a fun, stress-free evening. You may even be inspired to re-create it at home on your own. 

This event is a series of guided exercises which are shared with your partner.  The exercises are playful yet sensual,fun yet still meaningful.  Not only is the event a highly enjoyable experience, it will also show you things that you can do at home to spice up your relationship and enliven your intimate time together.

Whether you have been married for twenty years, or just exploring the beginnings of a new relationship, you will come away from the event with an expanded vision of what is possible for you and your partner in the universe of love.

Private and Group Workshops available


“I highly recommend this experience to any and every couple. My boyfriend and I walked in still trying to get over a little argument, and Vibrant Intimacy brought us back to what is real, what matters, and why we are together. It is truly a beautiful, genuine and amazing experience and I’m so grateful we got to be a part of it. Not only is she skilled and talented at couples work,
but she brings tremendous clarity to individuals to help you create the fulfilling relationships you deserve.”
— CD, Los Angeles

“Vibrant Intimacy for Couples strengthened our bond, and brought us empowering, practical tools that we could implement immediately. I didn’t think we needed a relationship workshop. We needed this workshop. We refilled our cups, and I got to rediscover the same man I fell in love with 20 years ago. Everyone should take this course. It is regenerative. ”
— EH, Los Angeles